Program Overview – Spinal Health
LCO’s Spinal Health course aims to enhance your understanding of the spine as an anatomical and physical structure. The course offers a review of advanced spinal anatomy, as well as the biomechanics and diseases of the spine. Special emphasis is placed on the subject of spinal safety and the mechanisms of injury possible during physical exercise. An additional consideration is paid to the aging spine: age-related spinal pathologies and common musculoskeletal problems are examined.
Program Curriculum – Spinal Health
Estimate time of completion for this program is 100 hours.
Anatomy of the Spine
- Vertebral skeleton
- Functional spinal unit
- Spinal disks
- Spinal ligaments
- Spinal joint articulations
- The regions of the spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral
- Anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments
- Major muscles of the back
- Innervation: central and peripheral nervous systems
Biomechanics of the Spine
- Four elemental forces of the spine: compression, tension, torque, and shear
- The normal ranges of movement of each spinal segment
- Distribution of forces on the spine
- Spinal balance in relation to the muscles of the vertebral column
Disorders of the Spine
- Degenerative diseases
- Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis
- Spinal Stenosis
- Spinal disk problems
- Fractures and spinal traumas
- Spinal deformities
Three online quizzes, final exam. Passing grade: 75%.
Intended audience:
- Yoga and Pilates instructors
- Massage therapists
- Bodywork professionals
- Fitness trainers
Continuing Education:
CEUs: 10
1 CE = 10 study hours
Program Duration: 100 hours
Learning material is presented over seven online modules, which include downloadable slide presentations, video tutorials, quizzes and additional readings and handouts.

Lesson 7